Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Peak fitness

IT Business Sydney - IT Consulting & Outsourcing | Centrix Solutions


For elevated BP - green tea + lemon/lime,  hawthorn berries + cayenne,  citrus fruit. Low BP - clove  tea.  Poor circulation - cinnamon, ginger. Indigestion - ginger, black pepper, clove, cumin, cardamom. Constipation - triphala (super mild), cascara sagrada, senna (strong). Diarrhea -  raspberry leaf tea,  pomegranate hulls tea, pomegranate juice,  organic home-made yogurt (if eat dairy); diarrhea in children - boil organic white rice and use the cooled "broth" as a drink. Abdom. gas - asafetida, turmeric, caraway seed, cumin, dill seed, fennel seed; gas in children/babies: fennel seed, dill seeds boiled in water, cool the tea and  give to drink. Insomnia - valerian root, hops flowers, peppermint leaf, chamomile tea,  glass of warm milk with honey (if drink milk). Heart attack - cayenne powder (capsule, tea, or tincture). Bleeding - int.  turmeric, cayenne pepper,  nettle; ext. sandalwood paste, yarrow, comfrey leaves. PMS - dong quai root. Long period - manjista, nettle. Scanty period - rosemary, asafetida, cloves, cherry juice, beet root. Hot flashes - black cohosh. Painful urination - coriander (as tea or added as spice) - folk remedy in India. Kidney stones - juniper berries. Headache - melissa/lemon balm, peppermint, skullcap. Anxiety - valerian root, passion flower, high fat, B3, oysters, turkey. Autoimmune - follow gaps protocol and refer to Dr. Campbell-McBride and Paleo. Fatigue - b vitamins, raw honey, oysters.  Vision: cod liver oil. Breastfeeding  - fennel & anise seeds.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Religion is but a refuge for the cowardly who cannot face the true horror of existence. - Robert Talevski