Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The world has never seen such freezing heat
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Cancer etc!
Big Pharma is Big Business and the Cancer Society is a cheerleader.
Over 400 cancer cures have been suppressed, either by being bought up
and buried by the Drug Industry and the FDA or by them getting rid of,
jailing or otherwise eliminating the scientists, doctors and others
who have invented or discovered the cures. (Some of these amazing
people have had their lives and reputations smeared and destroyed
because they dared to find a natural or effective way to treat cancer.
Some of them are denigrated on Quackwatch.com, which is nothing more
that a disgusting website veiled as a site that protects the public
from quacks, but is really controlled by the medical societies and Big
Pharma). Google the Laetrille (Vitamin B 12) Story and see why they
outlawed the selling of apricot pits in the United States, and see why
Jason Vale was jailed for 5 years right after he cured himself of
cancer with apricot pits. Check out the Essiac story and how the
Canadian Medical Society squelched the legal use of Essiac for healing
cancer, and threatened nurse Rene Caisse with practicing medicine
without a license (after she cured hundreds right here in my town of
Bracebridge Ontario, and in Chicago). See why DMSO and Cesium Chloride
are under attack. Why has the average cancer patient never heard of
Insulin Potentiation Therapy? Because Big Pharma advertises and
controls TV ads, because Big Pharma is as powerful now as the banks,
and they also control journalism and the media. None of these natural
cures can be patented by the drug industry; therefore, Big Pharma
cannot have the corner on the market and make their billions as they
do with chemotherapy. Why can cancer patients not get low dose chemo
in Canada? Because the drug industry can't make enough money from it.
How did the Pharmaceutical Industry get so powerful? LOBBYISTS. I left
Canada to be treated for cancer with respect and an integrative
approach, modelled after the German medical system, at Sanoviv Medical
Institute in Rosarito, Mexico. Now that I am home, the oncologist here
refuses to believe that my bone metastases are gone. Did he ask me
what treatments I received to accomplish this? NO! He said that he had
never seen this before and he is going to review all my diagnostics
and get HIS people to look at them! This was a month ago. I have not
heard from him since. He didn't like my attitude. All I wanted from
him were some updated diagnostics, but he is wasting my time while he
reviews 4 month old diagnostics that have already been evaluated by
one of the leading degenerative disease hospitals in the world! Cancer
cannot be cured by dealing only with our physical body using toxic,
immune suppressing chemicals We are one billion parts energy and one
part matter. The Chinese knew this 4,000 years ago and only now are
some of us accepting it, because it has finally been proven by
Metaphysics and Quantum Physics. I received constant Energy
treatments, physical, biological treatments, along with extremely low
dose drugs, nutrition counselling and constant detoxification as well
as daily immune-boosting. This is what cures cancer - not bolus
chemotherapy that trashes your immune system so that your inner
pharmacy can't possibly be activated. If you are shocked by all of
this, read Cancer: Step Outside The Box, Second Edition, by Ty
Bollinger for an in-depth and definitive accounting of what is really
going on in our medical systems. And can you guess where all the
research money that the public raises goes??? It goes into the
development of more patentable drugs for the Drug Industry. Do they
want a cure?? Are you kidding? Chemo is the biggest cash cow ever for
Big Pharma - and Statin Drugs for Cholesterol is another scam they
have perpetrated. Read, "The Cholesterol Conspiracy" by Dr. Ladd
McNamara for that one! If you can't believe any of this, watch Erin
Brockovitch to see the extent big business will go to protect its
profits. Or, take a look at the 50 year tobacco conspiracy. Wake up
people, before YOU get cancer.