Thursday, October 30, 2014

The solution for all types of cysts - natural remedy

Comment: GPGTools -


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Seralini republished: Roundup-ready GMO maize causes serious health damage - The Ecologist

Comment: GPGTools -


Sunday, October 12, 2014

How I hacked my own iCloud account for just $200

Comment: GPGTools -


Monday, October 6, 2014


I'll do this one more time. They lied.  
In my lifetime:
1. 1946: They lied about rearming the Japanese prisoners of war in 'Indochina' to send them out to fight Ho Chi Minh and the revolutionaries in Viet Nam.
2. Around the same time through the late forties and early 50s they lied about colluding with the mafia to assassinate union organizers and representatives and communist party leaders in ports in Italy and Southern France, Marseilles etc. Out of which came the "French Connection".
3. They lied about Korea and bombed the North mercilessly destroying every city and the entire productive capacity.
4. 1953: They lied about overthrowing the government of Mossadegh in Iran, installing a banal, inane dictator called the Shah and after 20 years of brutality the people had had enough and we got the Ayatollah.
5. 1954: They lied about overthrowing the government of Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala initiating a horror the legacy of which we see today in refugees attempting to come here. Over 250,000 dead and counting.
6. 1954: They lied about our support for the colonial regime of the French in Viet Nam and our offer to use nuclear weapons to stave off defeat at Dien Bien Phu.
7. 1959: They lied about the Cuban revolution and their support of a criminal bastard named Battista.
8. 1960: They lied about our involvement in the killing of Patrice Lamumba in the Congo installing a murderous dictator Mobutu who proceeded to bleed the country dry over 30 years.
9. They lied about the Bay of Pigs disaster.
10. They lied about our initial direct involvement in Viet Nam and the assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother.
11. They lied about the Kennedy assassination. AND the Malcolm X assassination. AND the King assassination. AND RFK. And dozens of others in the Black power movements murdered and imprisoned unjustly.
12. They lied about the "Tonkin Gulf Incident/resolution" – 55,000 dead American soldiers, tens of thousands maimed physically and mentally and 2 to 4,000,000 dead Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians. They still die when their plows hit unexploded bombs or when children find them. 
13. They lied about a supposed communist coup in Indonesia and aided Suharto in the slaughter of up to a million Indonesians. Daniel P. Moynihan was proud of his role as ambassador to the UN in preventing that organization from doing anything about it.
14. They lied for 10 years about Viet Nam and tried to prosecute Daniel Ellsberg for giving us some of the truth.
15. They lied about our invasion of the Dominican Republic.
16. They lied about our support and involvement with another brutal dictatorship, Papa Doc in Haiti and the overthrow of Aristide and our support for those who slaughtered the people in Aristide's organizations.
17. They lied about Watergate and let Nixon slip out the back door.
18. They lied about our support for the Nazi like apartheid regime in South Africa and for more violent murderous counterrevolutionaries in Angola, Mozambique, and Namibia.
19. They lied about our collusion in the assassination of Rene Snyder and the overthrow of Salvador Allende in Chile, the overthrow of Goulart in Brazil, the installation of the murderous generals in Argentina and the establishment of National Security State oppression throughout Latin America. Tens of thousands dead, disappeared and imprisoned. A generation lost.
20. Continuing in that region they lied about our involvement with murderers like D'Aubuisson in El Salvador and Somoza in Nicaragua and they lied about corrupting the government of Honduras, essentially killing hope for those people and again we see the legacy in the conditions of the peoples of those countries today and the flood of desperate people attempting to flee the violence and misery that is our legacy. 
21. They lied about Granada.
22. They lied about Panama.
23. They colluded with Israel as they developed nuclear weapons and lied about it.
24. They lied about our support for Saddam Hussein as he invaded Iran and gassed his own people as well as the Iranians. Rumsfeld was there shaking his hand.
25. They lied about Kuwait and the trap we laid for Saddam. And they lied about babies being torn from incubators, thrown on the floor and left to die.
26. They lied about the effects of the embargo on Iraq and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children because of it.
27. They lied about NAFTA, CAFTA and the WTO and they're lying about the TPP now.
28. They lied when they dismantled Glass/Steagal.
29. They lied about 9/11: building 7, the Pentagon, flight 93 and an intact passport amidst tons and tons of rubble linking Saddam Hussein to the alleged perpetrators. 
30. They lied about weapons of mass destruction; about the presence of Al Qaeda; and about Saddam's link to 9/11. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz, and Powell, all lied with Powell disgracing himself at the UN in front of the whole world.
31. They lied about the reasons for our invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. They lied about how we would be received and they lied about the lasting consequences of our occupations.
32. They lied when torture was exposed at Abu Graib and Guantanamo and our murderous brutality was exposed by WikiLeaks. And like Ellsberg they persecute and imprison those who reveal such truth.
33. Klapper goes before the people's house, the Congress, lies through his teeth about spying on all of us, and walks off to offer commentary on nightly news.
We are now being told that Russia, and more precisely Putin, (it works better if you have a 'bad guy') shot down a civilian airliner.
Over a hundred years ago Mark Twain wrote an essay coining the term "The United States of Lyncherdom". There is also a great passage about a lynch attempt I believe in Huckleberry Finn – more required reading as the herd is being whipped up again. Turning to lunatic talk radio, they don't even have to be lied to. They're off and running on their own, gathering up nuclear nooses.
The fact that so many of us do not know about the lies I listed above (and there are more) and that so many of us seem on the verge of accepting whatever is being told to us by our government about what happened and is happening in Ukraine is testimony to the most effective system of thought control ever devised by human beings.
Because of its oil wealth, Russian cannot be easily strangled economically. They have been forging trade links with both Europe and China and they, along with Brazil, India, China and South Africa are openly challenging the economic hegemony exercised by the US through the World Bank and the IMF. These are historic developments. To think that Russia/Putin would jeopardize that by callously killing hundreds of innocent people is irrational. 
As any student of Sherlock Holmes knows, a homicide investigation begins first with the question "Who had a motive?"
As of now, only those responsible for this mass murder know what actually happened. 
Take care.
PS: With what is at stake in the Middle East, to entertain for one minute that we ARE NOT being lied to now should prompt dark, desperate laughter.
PPS: And just where did Khorason disappear to.