Friday, August 28, 2009

mta poor reputation. - SpamCop Discussion


I know this thread has been innactive for a while but I encountered the same error.

554 Your access to this mail system has been rejected due to the sending MTA's poor reputation. If you believe that this failure is in error, please contact the intended recipient via alternate means.

It turns out our WAN IP reverse DNS record didn't match to our mail server DNS name. (we had just moved our servers onto a new managed network) Most email would deliver fine, just a handfull would reject and a few would reject occasionally. It had me stumped for a while until I had a look at the headers of one of our emails that I sent to my home email account.

Hopefully this may aid someone having similar problems.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Filemaker Server 5.5

Apr. 12, 2005
Peter Trist
In your followup Kim Kohen mentioned experiencing problems with FMS 5.5 under OS X. As a FileMaker developer who shares responsibility for the smooth and reliable running of ~20 FMS [5.5] units around the country (Australia) we have found the following to be the best an most reliable setup.
The Filemaker Server folder / application should 'live' in the default 'Application' Folder - no where else. Regardless of this, its priviledges must be set to drwxrwxrwx (777) or in layman's terms read/write/execute for Owner/ & Group & Others.
The 'data' folder can 'live' in the FMS Folder or anywhere on the SAME computer. If not in the FMS folder place an alias to the data files [NOT a symbolic link] in the FMS folder. Again, privledges are very important for this folder - they should be the same as those detailed above for the server folder.
The 1st level 'backup' folder should live on the SAME computer, preferably on a 2nd hard drive, but at the very least on a different partition to that of the OS and or data folder. Privledges on this folder MUST be set as above or you WILL get intermittent FMS server run auto-backup results.
From this 1st level backup folder make additional backups anywhere else you like using the backup software of your choice.
I don't know why not doing it this way sometimes 'breaks' the backups, but it does, sooner or later. If for some reason you have to reset the backups;
  1. DELETE them ALL from within the FileMaker Server Schedule window.
  2. Quit FileMaker Server.
  3. Remove & Delete the file
  4. ~/Library/Preferences/com.filemaker.filemakerpro.plist
  5. Restart FileMaker Server
  6. Recreate the backup schedule
Once again I am not sure why, or even if, ALL these steps are required, but I do know that if they are followed I have yet to fail to have reliable backups via FMS.
Hope this is of help to others - we spent a LOT of hours of trial & error working this out.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cockroach Bates - pheromone natural baits

Robert Talevski

Realmac Solutions
Level 2, 360 Pacific Hwy
Crows Nest NSW 2065
Mob: 0411098903

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Carbon Team Issue FSA Cranks

Carbon Team Issue FSA Cranks

FSA SL-K Carbon CrankThe carbon Team Issue FSA Crank is of monocoque carbon construction for strength and light weight. It creates a crank arm with their proprotary 3K weave and gloss black finish.

As with the K-Force and SL-K, the chainrings are fabricated out of AL7075 and 100% CNC machined, with a gray anodized face. The spider is cold forged and annodized as well. The chainring bolts are out of CrMo.

Bottom Bracket:
The Carbon Team Issue Crank comes with a bottom bracket, that uses oversized exterior cartridge bearings with a 24mm integrated chromoly spindle. Anodized alloy external bearing cups hold it all in place.

Specifications for the Carbon Team Issue FSA Crank:


911 g. including the BB (compact)
982 g including the BB (standard)
1579 g for the triple chainrings

Chainline: 43.5mm (compact & standard) 46mm (triple)

Length Options: 170mm, 172.5mm & 175 mm

BCD: 110 mm compact, 130mm standard, 130/74mm triple

Chainring Options:

34/50 compact
39/53 standard
30/39/53 triple

Pricing: you should be able to get it online under $400 depending on the chainring options you chose.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Where was my bike made?

Where is your bike made in? article

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Immune supplements??

Info on some new tech immune products. Don't know much on these but I will look into them further when I get a chance in the future.



Thursday, July 9, 2009

Vaccines and other scary stuff.

The following is links to a lawsuit filed by an Austrian journalist, plus other info.

Website/Blog of Jane Burmeister

Natural news article

Baxter working on vaccine to stop swine flu, though admitted sending live pandemic flu viruses to subcontractor More info on vaccines etc

Flu oddities. Facts and details on events regarding flu etc.

Swine Flu 2009 Is Weaponized 1918 'Spanish Flu'

Cancer Study Was Made Up, Journal Says

The Hippocratic oath. First, do no harm. Second, make stuff up. Money talks I guess.

New york Times article

Another excellent article worth a read, it is shocking to people who still believe what they are told on tv. here

Medical research frequently bogus

More facts about medical research, can you trust anything that comes out of the "for-profit" medical "industry".


Letter Sparks Investigation of Baxter Vaccine by New Zealand Minister of Health

Natural News Link

Military Experiments on Civilians

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu

1. Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu

An outbreak of swine flu occurred in Mexico this spring that eventually affected 4,910 Mexican citizens and resulted in 85 deaths. By the time it spread to the United States, the virus caused only mild cases of flu-like illness.

Thanks to air travel and the failure of public health officials to control travel from Mexico, the virus spread worldwide. Despite predictions of massive numbers of deaths and the arrival of doomsday, the virus has remained a relatively mild disease, something we know happens each year with flu epidemics.

Worldwide, there have only been 311 deaths out of 70,893 cases of swine flu. In the United States, 27,717 cases have resulted in 127 deaths. Every death is a tragedy, but such a low death rate should not be the basis of a draconian government policy.

It is helpful to recall that the Centers for Disease Control with the collusion of the media, constantly tell us that 36,000 people die from the flu each year, a figure that has been shown to be a lie. In this case, we are talking about 300 plus deaths for the entire world.

This virus continues to be an enigma for virologists. In the April 30, 2009 issue of Nature, a virologist was quoted as saying,"Where the hell it got all these genes from we don't know." Extensive analysis of the virus found that it contained the original 1918 H1N1 flu virus, the avian flu virus (bird flu), and two new H3N2 virus genes from Eurasia. Debate continues over the possibility that swine flu is a genetically engineered virus.

Naturally, vaccine manufacturers have been in a competitive battle to produce the first vaccine. The main contenders have been Baxter Pharmaceuticals and Novartis Pharmaceuticals, the latter of which recently acquired the scandal-ridden Chiron vaccine company. Both of these companies have had agreements with the World Health Organization to produce a pandemic vaccine.

The Baxter vaccine, called Celvapan, has had fast track approval. It uses a new vero cell technology, which utilizes cultured cells from the African green monkey. This same animal tissue transmits a number of vaccine-contaminating viruses, including the HIV virus.

The Baxter company has been associated with two deadly scandals. The first event occurred in 2006 when hemophiliac components were contaminated with HIV virus and injected in tens of thousands of people, including thousands of children. Baxter continued to release the HIV contaminated vaccine even after the contamination was known.

The second event occurred recently when it was discovered that Baxter had released a seasonal flu vaccine containing the bird flu virus, which would have produced a real world pandemic, to 18 countries. Fortunately, astute lab workers in the Czech Republic discovered the deadly combination and blew the whistle before a worldwide disaster was unleashed.

Despite these two deadly events, WHO maintains an agreement with Baxter Pharmaceuticals to produce the world's pandemic vaccine.

Novartis, the second contender, also has an agreement with WHO for a pandemic vaccine. Novartis appears to have won the contract, since their vaccine is near completion. What is terrifying is that these pandemic vaccines contain ingredients, called immune adjuvants that a number of studies have shown cause devastating autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus.

Animal studies using this adjuvant have found them to be deadly. A study using 14 guinea pigs found that when they were injected with the special adjuvant, only one animal survived. A repeat of the study found the same deadly outcome.

So, what is this deadly ingredient? It is called squalene, a type of oil. The Chiron company, maker of the deadly anthrax vaccine, makes an adjuvant called MF-59 which contains two main ingredients of concern—squalene and gp120. A number of studies have shown that squalene can trigger all of the above-mentioned autoimmune diseases when injected.

The MF-59 adjuvant has been used in several vaccines. These vaccines, including tetanus and diphtheria, are the same vaccines frequently associated with adverse reactions.

I reviewed a number of studies on this adjuvant and found something quite interesting. Several studies done on human test subjects found MF-59 to be a very safe immune adjuvant. But when I checked to see who did these studies, I found—to no surprise—that they were done by the Novartis Pharmaceutical Company and Chiron Pharmaceutical Company, which have merged. They were all published in "prestigious" medical journals. Also, to no surprise, a great number of studies done by independent laboratories and research institutions all found a strong link between MF-59 and autoimmune diseases.

Squalene in vaccines has been strongly linked to the Gulf War Syndrome. On August 1991, Anthony Principi, Secretary of Veterans Affairs admitted that soldiers vaccinated with the anthrax vaccine from 1990 to 1991 had an increased risk of 200 percent in developing the deadly disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig's disease. The soldiers also suffered from a number of debilitating and life-shortening diseases, such as polyarteritis nodosa, multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus, transverse myelitis (a neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord), endocarditis (inflammation of the heart's inner lining), optic neuritis with blindness and glomerulonephritis (a type of kidney disease).

The second ingredient, and one that greatly concerns me, is called gp120, a glycoprotein. Researchers found when it was mixed with squalene, the glycoprotein became strongly antigenic—that is, it produced a powerful and prolonged immune response to the vaccination. In fact, their studies show that with each dose, the intense immune reaction lasts over a year.

Now for the shocker—the glycoprotein-gp120, a major component of MF-59 vaccine adjuvant, is the same protein fragment isolated from the HIV virus that is responsible for the rapid dementia seen in AIDS patients.

Studies have shown that when gp120 is taken up by the microglia cells in the brain, it causes intense inflammation and makes the brain subject to excitotoxic damage—a process called immunoexcitotoxicity. This is also the cause of the MS and optic neuritis associated with vaccines that contain MF-59.

So, how would the gp120 get into the brain? Studies of other immune adjuvants using careful tracer techniques have shown that they routinely enter the brain following vaccination. What most people do not know, even the doctors who recommend the vaccines, is that most such studies by pharmaceutical companies observe the patients for only one to two weeks following vaccination—these types of reactions may take months or even years to manifest.

It is obvious that the vaccine manufacturers stand to make billions of dollars in profits from this WHO/government-promoted pandemic. Novartis, the maker of the new pandemic vaccine, recently announced that they would not give free vaccines to impoverished nations—everybody pays.

One must keep in mind that once the vaccine is injected, there is little you can do to protect yourself—at least by conventional medicine. It will mean a lifetime of crippling illness and early death.

There are much safer ways to protect oneself from this flu virus, such as higher doses of vitamin D3, selective immune enhancement using supplements, and a good diet.

Monday, July 6, 2009

DNS servers

I'm having weird resolving issues when trying to connect to This problem also causes problems in my routers dns cache. Anyone else experiencing anything similar?
I got fed up with the Bigpond DNS servers resolving sometimes and other times not resolving or taking ages to resolve addresses. I changed to http://opendns.orgservers. The addresses are and They are very fast and resolve very quickly with not slow down. I have been using them for months with no problems at all. Hope this helps. Give them a try.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The world has never seen such freezing heat

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cancer etc!

The following has been taken from a posted response to this

Big Pharma is Big Business and the Cancer Society is a cheerleader.
Over 400 cancer cures have been suppressed, either by being bought up
and buried by the Drug Industry and the FDA or by them getting rid of,
jailing or otherwise eliminating the scientists, doctors and others
who have invented or discovered the cures. (Some of these amazing
people have had their lives and reputations smeared and destroyed
because they dared to find a natural or effective way to treat cancer.
Some of them are denigrated on, which is nothing more
that a disgusting website veiled as a site that protects the public
from quacks, but is really controlled by the medical societies and Big
Pharma). Google the Laetrille (Vitamin B 12) Story and see why they
outlawed the selling of apricot pits in the United States, and see why
Jason Vale was jailed for 5 years right after he cured himself of
cancer with apricot pits. Check out the Essiac story and how the
Canadian Medical Society squelched the legal use of Essiac for healing
cancer, and threatened nurse Rene Caisse with practicing medicine
without a license (after she cured hundreds right here in my town of
Bracebridge Ontario, and in Chicago). See why DMSO and Cesium Chloride
are under attack. Why has the average cancer patient never heard of
Insulin Potentiation Therapy? Because Big Pharma advertises and
controls TV ads, because Big Pharma is as powerful now as the banks,
and they also control journalism and the media. None of these natural
cures can be patented by the drug industry; therefore, Big Pharma
cannot have the corner on the market and make their billions as they
do with chemotherapy. Why can cancer patients not get low dose chemo
in Canada? Because the drug industry can't make enough money from it.
How did the Pharmaceutical Industry get so powerful? LOBBYISTS. I left
Canada to be treated for cancer with respect and an integrative
approach, modelled after the German medical system, at Sanoviv Medical
Institute in Rosarito, Mexico. Now that I am home, the oncologist here
refuses to believe that my bone metastases are gone. Did he ask me
what treatments I received to accomplish this? NO! He said that he had
never seen this before and he is going to review all my diagnostics
and get HIS people to look at them! This was a month ago. I have not
heard from him since. He didn't like my attitude. All I wanted from
him were some updated diagnostics, but he is wasting my time while he
reviews 4 month old diagnostics that have already been evaluated by
one of the leading degenerative disease hospitals in the world! Cancer
cannot be cured by dealing only with our physical body using toxic,
immune suppressing chemicals We are one billion parts energy and one
part matter. The Chinese knew this 4,000 years ago and only now are
some of us accepting it, because it has finally been proven by
Metaphysics and Quantum Physics. I received constant Energy
treatments, physical, biological treatments, along with extremely low
dose drugs, nutrition counselling and constant detoxification as well
as daily immune-boosting. This is what cures cancer - not bolus
chemotherapy that trashes your immune system so that your inner
pharmacy can't possibly be activated. If you are shocked by all of
this, read Cancer: Step Outside The Box, Second Edition, by Ty
Bollinger for an in-depth and definitive accounting of what is really
going on in our medical systems. And can you guess where all the
research money that the public raises goes??? It goes into the
development of more patentable drugs for the Drug Industry. Do they
want a cure?? Are you kidding? Chemo is the biggest cash cow ever for
Big Pharma - and Statin Drugs for Cholesterol is another scam they
have perpetrated. Read, "The Cholesterol Conspiracy" by Dr. Ladd
McNamara for that one! If you can't believe any of this, watch Erin
Brockovitch to see the extent big business will go to protect its
profits. Or, take a look at the 50 year tobacco conspiracy. Wake up
people, before YOU get cancer.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Thomas Jefferson

"It is better to be uninformed than misinformed." -- Thomas Jefferson.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

SIDI Ergo 2: Bettini's Boots Tested

Sunday, March 09, 2008  12:09:59 PM PT

Sidi Cycling Shoes 

Usage of straps etc

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - The Lawful Path

Food Additives you should avoid!

autolyzed anything
barley malt
beef base
beef flavoring
beef stock
broth of any kind
calcium caseinate
chicken base
chicken broth
chicken flavoring
chicken stock
disodium anything
dough conditioner
gelatinized anything
gaur gum
hydrolyzed anything
kombu extract
malt anything
malted anything
milk solids
monosodium glutamate
natural flavor
pork base
pork flavoring
protein concentrate
protein extract
seasoned salt
smoke flavoring
sodium caseinate
solids of any kind
soup base
soy extract
soy protein anything
soy sauce
textured protein
textured vegetable protein
vegetable gum
whey anything
yeast extract

Friday, May 1, 2009

All the world is staged - Video link

Middle Eastern herb kills pancreas cancer cells


Middle Eastern herb kills pancreas cancer cells
22 April 2009
A herb from the Middle East kills pancreatic cancer cells and can slow the cancer’s progress, scientists have announced this week.

The herb, thymoquinone, an oil extract that is derived from the herbal seed Nigella sativa, has significantly reduced 67 per cent of pancreatic cancer tumours in one animal trial, researchers from the Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson have announced.

Nigella sativa seeds and oils have been used in traditional medicine in the Middle East and Asia for many hundreds of years, usually to treat immune and inflammatory diseases.

Pancreatic cancer is the fourth deadliest cancer, and kills around 32,000 people in the USA every year. Only five per cent of sufferers live longer than a year after diagnosis.

(Source: AACR 100th annual meeting, Denver, April 20, 2009).



SINA - Chinese Govt propaganda website


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Diatomaceous Earth


A couple of articles from The Whole Dog Journal about flea treatment chemicals and non toxic treatments;

"Font Book" Review

Apple Font Book

Friday, April 24, 2009

Tick Links

The TICK-L Links Page

This page lists some Web sites which may be of interest. Listing a site here does not imply endorsement of its contents. Statements and opinions found on these sites are at the sole responsibility of their site owners.

Managing your TICK-L subscription options, etc.

Subscribe, sign off, change options, or search the list archives from the TICK-L home page

How to set your mail program to post in "plain text" (and six reasons why you should do so)

Tick disease FAQs and related material

Jasper's Canine Tick-borne Disease Information page, by Anne McGuire

Canine Tick-borne Disease FAQ page, by Pam Barbe

Canine Tick-borne Disease Information page, by Gil. Ash

Update on Tick Transmitted Diseases (Antech News 4-04, PDF)

Ticks and tick-borne diseases (Monmouth County, N.J.)

Imizol (imidocarb dipropionate) data (Imizol is FDA approved and available to U.S. veterinarians)

Units of measurement (for calculating dosages)

Diagnostic laboratories for tick-borne diseases

Rickettsial Diseases

Ehrlichiosis - a silent and deadly killer (Jan Hendricks & Bob Wilson)

The Hawk's Nest: Ehrlichia update

The Hawk's Nest: How Ehrlichia affects your dog

Ehrlichiosis (Oklahoma State University)

Ehrlichiosis, Tropical Canine Pancytopenia (Michigan State University)

Ehrlichiosis (University of Wisconsin)

Ocular histopathology of Ehrlichial Infections in the Dog

Ehrlichia-infected ticks on migrating birds

The Ehrlichia Home Page (University of California, Davis)

An Overview of Canine Ehrlichiosis (University of Georgia)

New Taxonomy of the family Anaplasmataceae (Ohio State University)

Classification and nomenclature changes for Ehrlichia and related organisms (Ohio State University)

Tick-borne Ehrlichiae and Rickettsiae of Dogs (IVIS)

Detection of Neorickettsia risticii in freshwater stream snails

Molecular Analysis of Neorickettsia risticii in Adult Aquatic Insects in Pennsylvania, in Horses Infected by Ingestion of Insects, and Isolated in Cell Culture

Neorickettsia risticii is vertically transmitted in the trematode Acanthatrium oregonense and horizontally transmitted to bats (Abstract)

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Dogs (University of Georgia)

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Edward Breitschwerdt, DVM)

Lyme Disease

Lyme Borreliosis in Dogs (R. K. Straubinger, D.V.M., IVIS)

Lyme Disease in Dogs (T. J. Dunn, Jr., D.V.M., The Pet Center)

Lyme Quantitative C6 Antibody Test (IDEXX Laboratories)

Mechanism and details of Lyme disease transmission during tick bites (CDC)

Investigating the Role of White-footed Mice in the Transmission of Lyme Disease on Fire Island, New York

The role of the deer tick in transmitting Lyme disease (Monmouth County, N.J.)

Dr. Willy Burgdorfer on "The Complexity of Vector-borne Spirochetes (Borrelia spp)"

The following Web sites offer perspectives on various aspects of Lyme Disease primarily in human patients. This is an area of lively controversy. An effort has been made to include a range of differing points of view within the medical profession.

Lyme Disease: eMedicine overview article by John Meyerhoff, M.D.

Learn About Lyme Disease (CDC) (with many subheadings and links)

National Lyme Disease Foundation

Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation

International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS)

Johns Hopkins Arthritis Reports on Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease: Questionable Diagnosis and Treatment (Quackwatch)

American College of Physicians: Lyme Disease Initiative

American College of Physicians: New evidence to relieve fears about Lyme Disease

Advanced Topics in Lyme Disease (Joseph J. Burrascano Jr., M.D.)

Diagnostic hints and treatment guidelines for Lyme and other tick borne illnesses (ILADS, Burrascano)

Lyme Disease: A Diagnostic and Treatment Dilemma (Joseph J. Burrascano Jr., M.D.)

Lyme Disease vaccine (in Canada, but relevant to the U.S. too)


An overview of canine babesiosis (University of Georgia)

Babesiosis in Greyhounds (Lynda Adame)

Hemotropic diseases of the dog, cat and horse (Cynthia J. Holland, Ph.D.)

Babesiosis (comprehensive article in DVM magazine)

Babesiosis (in Carter: Major Infectious Diseases of Dogs and Cats, IVIS, 2005)


Bartonellosis: veterinary and human implications (Edward Breitschwerdt, DVM)

Haemobartonellosis in dogs (Drs. Foster & Smith)

Tick Biology, Identification etc.

A comprehensive key to tick identification (University of Lincoln, UK)

Tick Research Laboratory (University of Rhode Island)

Tick Research Laboratory (Texas A&M University)

Tick Research Laboratory (State University of New York at Stony Brook)

Ticks and tick-borne diseases in Texas

The Brown Dog Tick (University of Florida)

Tick Biology (University of California, Davis)

The Acarology site at Ohio State University has tick information, guidelines for tick removal, and several good links. Their paper on tick removal instruments explains in detail how a tick attaches, including a tick bite video. The video is graphic and informative, but the file size is 23 MB, so unless you have a high speed connection it will take a long time to download.

General Veterinary Reference Material

Merck Veterinary Manual, online
