Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Islam - Taken form a youtube post I found interesting.
I grew up in a muslim society. So do not try to tell me otherwise :-) U R just an apologist, a shameful one that is. Islam is a religion of the sword. Every nation where Islam is in the majority, the religion has been imposed by force and is maintained by force. I have a friend named Mark Gabriel. He was born in Egypt and graduated from Al Jazeera University where he became a professor of Islamic history. He experienced a miraculous conversion and has become a Christian evangelist. I asked him one time to summarize Islamic history for me. His response: "The history of Islam is a river of blood." Muslims believe they are compelled by the Quran to spread their religion worldwide by war, if necessary. Here are some of the relevant passages from the Quran: Fighting is prescribed for you, and some of you dislike it. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not (Sura 2:216). Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war (Sura 9:5). Fight in the way of Allah...and slay them [the unbelievers] wherever you find them and drive them out...and fight them until...religion is for Allah (Sura 2:190-193). Muhammad is quoted in the Hadith as saying: The sword is the key of heaven and hell. A drop of blood in the cause of Allah — a night spent in arms [war] — is of more avail than two months of fasting and prayer. Whosoever falls in battle, his sins are forgiven...(Sura 61:10-12). Islam is totally intolerant of any other religion. The very word, Islam, means "submission." The Quran commands intolerance toward all other religions: Take not Jews and Christians for friends...He among you who takes them for friends is one of them...Choose not for friends such of those who received the Scripture before you [Jews and Christians] . . But keep your duty to Allah (Sura 5: 51, 55,57). [For those who do not submit to Allah] their punishment is...execution or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet, from the opposite sides, or exile from the land (Sura 5:33). The Quran also expresses an intolerant attitude toward any person who decides to reject the Islamic faith or convert to another religion. Sura 9:12 commands that apostates are to be executed. Hadith 9:57 says "Whoever changes his religion, kill him." These commands are practiced in all Islamic Fundamentalist countries today. Muslims in Western non-Muslim countries try to discount these commands by quoting verses from the Quran that sound very tolerant: Sura 2:256: "There is no compulsion in religion." Sura 5:82: "You will find that those who are nearest in love to the believers [Muslims] are those who say, 'We are Christians.'" Yes, these verses sound wonderful, but what the Islam defenders do not tell you is that there is a rule for interpreting the Quran, called the "rule of abrogation," that says that later revelations to Muhammad overrule earlier revelations, if there is a conflict. They have to have this rule because there are a lot of contradictions in the Quran. With regard to Jews and Christians, Muhammad's earliest revelations were all positive. He referred to them as "the people of the Book." He did this because he expected them to surrender their religions and join his. When they refused to do so, he received "new revelations" that demeaned them and ordered them to be killed if they did not submit. For example here are three of his later revelations: A command not to take Jews and Christians as friends (Sura 5:51). A command to fight against Jews and Christians until they either submit to Allah or agree to pay a special tax (Sura 9:29). A reference to Jews as "apes and swine to be despised and rejected" (Sura 2:65-66 and 5:60). Of course the reality on the ground is more important than any denials by Western Muslims, for there is absolutely no religious freedom in any nation of the world that is ruled by Muslims. Conclusions Islam is not a religion of peace. It never has been and it never will be.We are involved in a World War against Islam, and we need to face up to it.Our war is not against terror. That's like saying World War II was a war against U-Boats and Kamikaze planes. No! It was against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.Our war is not against "Fundamentalists who have hijacked a peaceful religion." That is nonsense. The Fundamentalists are simply doing what the Quran commands them to do. Islam at heart is a religion of intolerance and violence. Consider this incredible sign displayed by a Muslim at a rally in London:*BEHEAD THOSE WHO SAY ISLAM IS VIOLENT!* That's why THE -DUMBASS President Obama's comment at the recent prayer breakfast was so outlandish. He said: Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique [ISIS barbarity] to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. That ridiculous statement ignores the fact that the Quran commands conquest, war, terror and murder, whereas the New Testament commands Christians to love their enemies and pray for them. _What a stupid comment_ by US President that grew up in Indonesia - a muslim country. U R living in a muslim country ? Damn! I was born in a muslim country and grew up there, watching those terrors as an eyewitness! Remaining Positive We live in perilous times, but we need not despair for the Bible clearly proclaims that "We will win in the end!" And that will occur when Jesus returns in majesty, power and glory to reign from Mount Zion in Jerusalem. In the meantime, as we await the Lord's return, don't allow anyone to try to deceive you into thinking that: Islam is a religion of peace.Muslims believe in the Jesus of the Bible.Allah is the same God that Christians worship.Islam and Christianity can be compatible. These are lies I hear daily, and they are straight from the pit of Hell. As you look to the future, keep your eyes on Jesus, stay in His Word and trust in His promises. He will be there with you, constantly encouraging you and sustaining you. And when you get up each morning, look to the sky, and cry out in your heart, "MARANATHA, MARANATHA, Come quickly, Lord Jesus!" Notes: 1) Mark Ellis, "Head of ISIS - "the new bin Laden" - was held by U.S. for four years and released," Godreports, June 13, 2014, http://blog.godreports.com. 2) Ian Hanchett, "Harf: 'We can't kill our way' out of war against ISIS," www.breitbart.com. Fundamentalist Goals The Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran was the modern day Islamic spokesman who revived Muhammad's vision of world conquest. He taught that the re-establishment of Israel was a Satanic miracle allowed by Allah because of the lukewarmness of the Muslim masses. He called for a renewal of true Islam to accomplish three purposes: 1. To overthrow the "secular" rulers of Islamic countries (like Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and Egypt), just as he had done in Iran. >>> so your good Muslims that you mentioned belong in this group that need to be re-educated according to Sharia. 2. To take back the land of Palestine for Allah, exterminating Israel in the process. 3. To conquer the rest of the world for Allah. Notice the first priority was the transformation of secular Islamic countries into religious states ruled by the Koran.Then would come Israel and the world. In a proclamation made by Osama bin Laden in 1998, he listed the same goals and prioritized them in the same order. He then identified the United States as the prime obstacle to the achievement of these goals. Accordingly, he called on Muslims everywhere "to comply with Allah's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it." It is important to note that the eradication of Israel is not the top priority. Nor is Israel viewed as the major obstacle to world conquest. I emphasize this because many Americans are saying that the key to winning the war against terrorism is to dump Israel. More and more, on radio talk shows, I hear people saying, "Let's cut Israel loose. Let the Arabs have it. Then they will leave us alone." That is utter nonsense. Israel is not the cause of Islamic terrorism toward the West. If Israel were to disappear tomorrow, Fundamentalist Islam would still be determined to destroy America as part of its plan to take the world for Allah. And if we were to abandon Israel, the Muslim world would interpret it as an act of cowardice, proving our word is meaningless and that we truly are, as they say, "a depraved society devoid of values." Our abandonment of Israel would only whet their appetite. Islamic Fundamentalism cannot be appeased. It must be defeated. THEY ARE EVIL people. Speaking of the descendants of Ishmael, the Angel of the Lord proclaimed (Genesis 16:12): He will be a wild donkey of a man. His hand will be against everyone, and everyone's hand will be against him. What make them difference (civilized manner - polite, respectful, etc) is not because of Islam; it is because of their local traditions, cultures! Islam will mold them into savages for allah, and once awhile, their good nature came out and do good deeds and then they revert back to their evilness. They are under the Satanic power that only Holy spirit can help! Islam is an EVIL CULT of Mohammed. This is what it is. Accept the fact. Do not be a lousy apologist. Everyone is a BIGOT in his/her own ways, including you! Look in the mirror and ask the person in the mirror honest questions about your own version of bigotry in your daily life! Ignorance is blissful obviously for people like you!
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