I think we should talk about the Holocaust.
Not many know that the Holocaust was just another chapter in an ancient, inter-tribal feud between the occult elements of Judaism that formed the basis for NaZism and its Zionist counter-part in “Nazi” Germany: the impetus the transfer agreements, Germany’s WWII part of the Rothschild plan for the creation of Israel out of the nation-state of Palestine; and the “refuseniks”, those Jews who opposed NaZism, Zionism, Jewish nationalism. Those Jews who found Zionism as an affront to Judaism, thought, rightly, that is was a cult that contradicts the foundations of justice found in the Torah.
Further, people meed to understand the theosophical roots of Zionism/ NaZism, Jewish nationalism, even found in Bolshevism, that they are the same: the Babylonian Talmud, the Kaballah, the occult, Egyptian Book of the Dead acting through the levels of initiation found in co-opted Freemasonry: e.g. the Thule Gesselschaft and Vril, the Golden Dawn, Skull and Bones, the Brotherhood of Death. That Satanism, eugenics, racism, depopulation, the “Holocaust” and related genocides of the modern era are their spawn. If people knew this history, the banking clique, the Satanic oligarchy and its nuclear nation-state Israeli agent would be overthrown tomorrow.
By continuing to howl that the Holocaust is a fraud, a hoax, how many died, etc…is only a deliberate distraction and does a disservice to history and to those struggling to get free from Zionism, internationalism, the communo-fascist New World Order found in Palestine and the world.